Here are links to various types of sources of information on Interactive Fiction. Any This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


  • The Alan IF mailing list is hosted by Google groups (it was previously hosted by Yahoo). You can surf to its site where you can read the posts and join.
  • Stephen Griffiths has created a guide on writing and playing Interactive Fiction with Alan.
  • Eric Mayer has written about his impressions on two easy to use IF tools, one is of course Alan. Read the article here!

Writing Interactive Fiction


  • The ultimate place to search for everything IF related: games, code, compilers, interpreters, samples - whatever you might need -  is The IF Archive.         
  • Everything you wanted to know, and more, about the art of writing Interactive Fiction, is, has been, or will be, discussed on the r.a.i-f ( newsgroup. Its sister group is r.g.i-f which focuses on playing IF.
  • The Interactive Fiction FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) gives you answers to most of your IF questions. It is considered nice manners to read this before you ask any questions on r.a.i-f.
  • The Cloak of Darkness is a site created by Roger Firth dedicated to comparing existing authoring tools by showing implementations of the same (simple) game.
  • A page with Interactive Fiction News is maintained by Stephen Granade on his excellent Brass Lantern adventure game web site.
  • BAF's Guide to the games in the archive makes it easy to find the ones to play, although it obviously does not contain descriptions and ratings of all games. All Alan games are here.
  • The Annual Interactive Fiction Competition Home Page and rules.
  • is a discussion forum for writing and playing IF with various systems.
  • collects various blog posts together into a news list of what's happening in the world of IF.
  • has a huge collection of IF game reviews.
  • Eileen Mullins's XYZZY News.
  • The Interactive Fiction Database is an IF game catalogue and recommendation engine.
  • The Interactive Fiction Wiki handles all things IF.
  • Hans Persson's Adventureland attempts to list all games produced!

What They Say

"[the game] does not represent the real capabilities of the Alan Language but does demonstrate Alan's amazing ability to allow someone who has never done an iota of computer programming of any kind to produce SOMETHING within a few weeks!"

Eric Mayer (on his game HeBGB Horrors)