Anssi Räisänen finished 13th out of almost 40 entries in the annual IFCOMP. "Ted Paladin and the Case of the Abandoned House" was developed using Alan v3 and the extensive library provided by Anssi himself. The game introduces a novel dimension of discovery.

There have been some indications out there in IF-land about a problem with restore in Alan alpha9 interpreters. One of the games that have been hit is "Room 206" by Byron Campbell, a game reviewed here recently.

The problem have now been fixed. Alpha9 interpreters for Windows have been patched, and the fix will be included in the upcoming beta1. (As well as all development snapshots from now on.) If you are uncertain if your interpreter have the problem, interpreters with a date of 2010-12-06 and later should be ok.

Alan v3.0 alpha 9 is now available. The usual Windows and MacOSX versions of compilers and interpreters have been updated with what will definitely be the last changes before going Beta (planned for November 2010!). And we promise that this will be the last alpha before going beta. Primary reason for this alpha release was clarification of licensing. You can view the details of the changes in the Changes section.

Finally! Finally, Alan v3.0 alpha 8 is available. After a long period of only internal work on low speed some really great strides have been taken. The usual Windows and MacOSX versions of compilers and interpreters have been updated with what will definitely be the last changes before going Beta (planned for November 2010!). You can view the details of the changes in the Changes section.

But even more important is the new library! Through tremendous work by Anssi Räisänen the library has been upgraded to exceptional functionality, rivaling that of any other modern IF authoring system. Go to the Library section of the Download Area and have a look. It's all source so you can see how easy and elegant it was to create something so powerful with Alan v3. Why don't you start creating your works of Interactive Fiction in Alan v3? It will be easy and fun!

The Alan IF website has just been converted to another CMS (Content Management System). MiaCMS seemed to be dying, so we made the jump to Joomla. Joomla seems to be the most promising descendant of Mambo (from which MiaCMS also sprung), with a lot of extensions. The move was actually quite painless once the database migration of the articles was figured out. And of course the layout had to be redone as well. But that also turned out quite nice, don't you think?

What They Say

"Alan definitely met my expectations. I was able to create two pretty large, complex games with no prior programming experience."

Byron Campbell