The extension provides a system to have conversations with NPCs in-game. The verb 'talk to' triggers a list of topics the hero can talk about with an NPC, e.g.
> talk to neighbor
You can ask the neighbor about:
new garden swing
> t harvest
"Did you manage to reap everything you have sown?" you ask.
"Pretty much," the neighbor says.
This small extension offers an easy framework for how the game banner is presented in the beginning of the game, with easily editable information about the game title, author, copyright line et al.
This extension provides a way to write the winning, losing or other ending messages for a game and then call those messages easily within the code by declaring 'DESCRIBE winning', 'DESCRIBE losing' and 'DESCRIBE ending'.
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What They Say
"[the game] does not represent the real capabilities of the Alan Language but does demonstrate Alan's amazing ability to allow someone who has never done an iota of computer programming of any kind to produce SOMETHING within a few weeks!"