Gargoyle is a multi-format player which exists for a number of platforms including Linux. Distributions of Gargoyle (gargoyle-free) includes an obsolete Alan interpreter. There is an automatic upgrade script available, which you should try first. But if that fails to find your Gargoyle installation you can do the upgrade manually.
Download this slot-in replacement and follow the instructions to install it inside Gargoyle by copying alan3 to the correct location yourself.
Gargoyle is a multi-format player which exists for a number of platforms including Linux. Distributions of Gargoyle (gargoyle-free) includes an Alan interpreter but to upgrade that to more recent versions you need to download this updater which will identify and install a slot-in replacement inside your Gargoyle installation.
You can get gargoyle-free using your package manager. It is a really old version (2011.1) and includes an obsolete version of the Alan interpreter that mostly work, but you should really update it using this updater.
Simple textmode Alan interpreter for MacOS packaged as an application. Prompts for a game and opens it inside a terminal so that you don't have to fiddle with commands to start playing.
Gargoyle is a multi-format player which exists for a number of platforms including MacOS. Distributions of Gargoyle includes an Alan interpreter but to upgrade that to more recent versions you need to download this updater which will install an updated slot-in replacement. NOTE the updater assumes that you have a in /Applications where it will place the update.
Gargoyle is a multi-format player which exists for a number of platforms including Windows. Distributions of Gargoyle includes an Alan interpreter but to upgrade that to more recent versions you need to download this updater which will identify and install a slot-in replacement inside your Gargoyle installation.
Gargoyle is a multi-format player which exists for a number of platforms including Windows. Distributions of Gargoyle includes an Alan interpreter but to upgrade that to more recent versions you need to download this slot-in replacement and follow the instructions to install it inside Gargoyle. You should try the updater for your platform first, since it attempts to automate the update, but in case that fails, e.g. because your gargoyle is installed in a non-standard location, you can download this and copy the new interpreter to the correct location yourself.
WinArun is the Windows GUI-based interpreter for Alan. It will run your game in a window with graphics. It requires Glk.dll (included). Packaged with a Windows installer.
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What They Say
"[the game] does not represent the real capabilities of the Alan Language but does demonstrate Alan's amazing ability to allow someone who has never done an iota of computer programming of any kind to produce SOMETHING within a few weeks!"