Adventures in Alan v3

Source code available!!! Due to a change in the licensing policy of the compiler building tools used to create the compiler it is now possible to distribute the source code. You can download it from the download page.

3 Alan games in the 2001 Annual Interactive Fiction Competition!!! "The Chasing" (by Anssi Raisanen), finished 14th, "The Isolato Incident" (by Alan DeNiro) finished 22nd, and "To Otherwhere and Back" (by Gregory Ewing) finished 28th. Well done!

Anssi Raisanens game, Out of the Study, (the single Alan game) finished 24th of the 43 games entered in the 8th Annual Interactive Fiction Competition. Hurray for Anssi, and thanks for keeping the Alan flag up. Where are all the other authors?

Alan V3 is available in development pre-view versions. Join the mailing list!!

The Home Pages are getting a well-deserved renovation!!


What They Say

"[the game] does not represent the real capabilities of the Alan Language but does demonstrate Alan's amazing ability to allow someone who has never done an iota of computer programming of any kind to produce SOMETHING within a few weeks!"

Eric Mayer (on his game HeBGB Horrors)