
Available versions

Interpreters are the way you play Alan adventures. If you just want to play you should download one interpreter from here. The interpreters here complement other Interactive Fiction players, like Gargoyle, or have some more features than the ones in the complete development packages.

But if  you want to develop your own games you should start with a complete development kit here.


Development Kits

Available versions

Development kits are complete distributions of Alan containing everything required to develop text adventures (or interactive fiction) with Alan. Development kits include at least both a compiler and an interpreter.

If you just want to play a game, you can find separate interpreters in the Interpreters download section.

You can supplement your SDK with the AlanIDE, extra documentation, extensions or utilities like the AlanGrapher.

If you want to keep up with the latest Alan development you can try the Development Snapshots.


Available versions

AlanIDE, the complete Alan Integrated Development Environment, is an experimental (although still quite useful) application build on top of Eclipse. Here you can download AlanIDE as a complete application for your system. You will need an Alan compiler to actually compile the Alan source into a game and an interpreter to run it. You can find them here.

Read more about AlanIDE here.

Note that you need a recent Java runtime to run AlanIDE.


Available versions

In this download category you can find various manuals and tutorials helping you to use and understand the Alan system.


Available versions

Here you can find the the Alan Standard Library and other similar extensions.


Available versions

In this section you can find various user supplied extensions to the basic Alan functionality in the form of Alan source that you can include, copy or modify for inclusion in your own works.


Available versions

Here you can find some utilities not part of the Alan system but useful for writing adventure games or interactive fiction with Alan.

Development Snapshots

Available versions

Here are the latest alpha-level snapshot from the Alan development. They are automatically published here after passing numerous automated test, but may include partial functionality, bugs and/or incompatibilities. But if you want to help the Alan development, please try them out and report any problems.

Windows & Cygwin32 on  


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What They Say

"All those weirdly arranged parentheses, and semi-colons and strange curlicues hanging out in the middle of blank lines. Impossible. But when I looked at Alan I saw the light or, at least, English."

Eric Mayer